Student mobilty
Students can participate in the Erasmus+ in the form of following activities:
- Student mobility for studies for one/two semesters at the partner university abroad (Student Mobility for Studies), it can last from 3 to 12 months
- a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace (2-3 to 12 months)
- International Winter and Summer schools / ERASMUS + Programmes on educational issues Exchange programmes offer an easy way to study and live abroad. As an EFFECTUS student you’ll have the opportunity to at foreign university and in return, a student from that university might become an international student of EFFECTUS in Croatia. All information about the ERASMUS + programme please check on the following link: or on the official web page of ERASMUS program.
Corona measures
If you are planning on studying abroad, the coronavirus situation can certainly be a cause for uncertainty. By following the advice and guidelines on the Health and Safety page of Croatian Ministry of Health and the official webpage of the Embassy of the State you would like to study in, you can minimise any potential (financial) risks as much as possible.
Still unsure whether it’s a good idea to study abroad at the moment?
Read the EFFECTUS university’s advice.
Before traveling please read official pages of Croatian Ministry of Health and the country you are
traveling to.