Teaching and non-teaching staff can apply for mobility for the purpose of:
– teaching (for teaching staff);
– professional training (for teaching and non-teaching staff). Professional development may include these types of activities:
- job shadowing, i.e. monitoring the work of colleagues at a foreign institution when performing their professional activities and;
- attending a structured course, workshop or language training focused on the professional needs of the participants.
Candidates must meet the following conditions:
- Be members of the teaching and/or non-teaching staff of Effectus, either permanent employees or external collaborators
- Have the consent of the superior person on the candidate’s absence from the workplace;
- Have a signed and certified certificate of the candidate’s approved stay at a foreign higher education institution (Invitation Letter);
- Have a satisfactory knowledge of the foreign language in which they will hold classes/professional development
Mobility for the purpose of holding classes as well as for the purpose of professional development is possible with partner higher education institutions with which Effectus polytechnic has signed an Erasmus+ inter-institutional cooperation agreement.
Staff mobility for the purpose of holding classes and for the purpose of professional development can last (excluding days spent on the road) a minimum of 2 days, and a maximum of 2 months. The condition for teaching staff applying for the teaching activity is to hold at least 8 hours of teaching per week.
The started activity must be maintained in continuity and cannot be interrupted, unless there are objective reasons for this. There must be a balance between the number of days spent on activities and the hours of classes held.
An inter-institutional agreement is not required for mobility for the purpose of professional training, but if the training takes place at a higher education institution, that institution must be a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (list of holders of the charter in the Special part of the Competition).
In the case of professional development at an institution that does not have the status of a higher education institution, the relationship between the staff member and the respective institution is determined only by the individual work plan, and no Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement is concluded.
The application consists of the following documents:
- completed and signed mobility application form – OB72_Application form for staff mobility
- a copy of an identity card or a valid travel document
- CV in Croatian or English (up to 4 pages on the Europass form)
- form for curriculum (for teaching staff)/work plan (for non-teaching staff) signed and certified by an authorized person from a foreign institution/company
- invitation letter from the receiving institution – signed and certified confirmation of the candidate’s stay at a foreign institution (Verification Letter)
- a certificate of employment at the Effectus University, which shows that the candidate has an employment contract / work contract and that the contract is or will be valid for the entire duration of the stay at a foreign higher education institution (employer’s confirmation of the duration of the contract on work / work contract)
- signed consent of the superior person for the absence of the candidate from the workplace during the planned mobility
- application form for persons with disabilities (if necessary)
- motivation letter