Call for Participation in the Erasmus+ Program in Budapest

EFFECTUS invites all its lecturers and external associates to participate in a short Erasmus+ program to be held in Budapest. This is a unique opportunity for professional development, exchange of experiences, and enhancement of international cooperation!

Program Details:

  • Location: Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Law, Budapest
  • Period: February 17–21, 2025
  • Project: “COORDINATE. CONNECT. ‘25”

The program is designed to discuss best practices and challenges in international education, the integration of exchange students, the role of international coordinators, and more effective communication with Generation Z.

What can you expect?

  • Roundtables and workshops on international cooperation and education
  • Keynote presentations by guest speakers
  • Social activities and cultural programs
  • Campus tours and networking with colleagues from ELTE Faculty of Law
  • A promotional International Fair for ELTE university students

The aim of this event is to strengthen collaboration among partners and share experiences in the field of international education, with a special focus on student life and integration.

How to participate?
The application deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025.

For more information and a preliminary program, please contact:

Join us and become part of this inspiring project in the heart of Budapest!


Ispuni obrazac i kontaktirat ćemo te za više informacija

    Predajom/slanjem ove prijave dajem svoju suglasnost EFFECTUS da u njoj navedene osobne podatke prikuplja, obrađuje i pohranjuje u svrhu provedbe predmetne prijave, upisa na studij, u svrhu kontaktiranja, u svrhu sklapanja ugovora. Potvrđujem da sam prije slanja prijave upoznat/a sa svojim pravima i ostalim postupanjima u odnosu na prikupljanje, obradu, objavu i pohranu mojih osobnih podataka u predmetne svrhe, kao i sa upravljanje privolama, te da će biti zaštićeni od pristupa neovlaštenih osoba, te pohranjeni na sigurno mjesto i čuvani u skladu s uvjetima i rokovima predviđenim zakonskim propisima, aktima i odlukama EFFECTUS-a. Potvrđujem da sam upoznat/a da svoja prava i postupanja u odnosu na moje osobne podatke mogu vidjeti i na web stranici