Professor Mirjana Bautović Participates in Erasmus Program in Madrid

Lecture for Engineering Students: Challenges and Opportunities in Entrepreneurship

Professor Mirjana Bautović, a lecturer at EFFECTUS College, participated in the Erasmus program from November 5 to 11 at Alfonso X el Sabio University (Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio – UAX) in Madrid. During her stay, she delivered a lecture to engineering students on the topic Challenges and Opportunities in Entrepreneurship as part of the course Success Through Communication.

The university is a private institution offering a wide range of study programs and qualifications in various scientific fields, such as biomedicine, medicine, biotechnology, pharmacy, engineering, social sciences, economics, musicology, and sports. It provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities and tools that help them develop the skills required in their professions, including a virtual hospital, research laboratories, dental clinics, veterinary clinics, and specialized music classrooms. Additionally, the university features top-tier sports and recreational facilities. It has around 9,000 students, one-third of whom are international.

“Although the university is located outside the city of Madrid, I had the opportunity to explore the city, which is vast and very diverse—a blend of old and new, from narrow streets and squares dating back to the 18th century to the bustling, modern Madrid with monumental buildings and wide boulevards,” said Professor Bautović upon her return. She also shared her surprise at how well-informed the students were about Croatia’s successful entrepreneur, Mate Rimac.


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    Predajom/slanjem ove prijave dajem svoju suglasnost EFFECTUS da u njoj navedene osobne podatke prikuplja, obrađuje i pohranjuje u svrhu provedbe predmetne prijave, upisa na studij, u svrhu kontaktiranja, u svrhu sklapanja ugovora. Potvrđujem da sam prije slanja prijave upoznat/a sa svojim pravima i ostalim postupanjima u odnosu na prikupljanje, obradu, objavu i pohranu mojih osobnih podataka u predmetne svrhe, kao i sa upravljanje privolama, te da će biti zaštićeni od pristupa neovlaštenih osoba, te pohranjeni na sigurno mjesto i čuvani u skladu s uvjetima i rokovima predviđenim zakonskim propisima, aktima i odlukama EFFECTUS-a. Potvrđujem da sam upoznat/a da svoja prava i postupanja u odnosu na moje osobne podatke mogu vidjeti i na web stranici